Friday, April 15, 2011

New Widget

Heyyyy! So ive added a new widget on the right if you've noticed. It's a Mini Editor for anyone who wishes to do a set. Well, it's just a source of entertainment which could be reaaally addicting. Trust me. It's more addicting if you sign up at Polyvore itself actually cause you'll see tons of wonderful sets. If you're a fashion lover, i personally encourage you to sign up for this. Hehe! But even if you're not a fashion lover, the site might be beneficial to help you seek for a top/dress/pants/shorts, etc if you're the kind of person who loves online shopping, also, if you're just looking for ideas of how to pair up your clothes. It's fun and absolutely easy thus not a single payment is required (oh i love saying that cause i sound like a promoter.) Have fun! ;)

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